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% Out the Door

Level 12

64.5% out the door (individ/biz/etc). 3.9% on hold for unemp. It'll make for a fun May 17th.  And you?

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16 Comments 16
Level 15

Thanks for ruining my day.  After seeing the overflow pile decreasing in the corner of my office, I was thinking I wasn't sitting too bad.  Then I did the math😢  ----------------- I'm a couple of percent ahead of you, but that still is a long way from home.  We still have a big pile of Sub S returns waiting to see if MN is going to change their mind about PPP loan forgiveness.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13

Why are you holding for unemployment? The software has been updated to calculate any applicable unemployment exclusion.

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 12

Not in Maryland yet.  They're supposed to come out with a new tax form for this tomorrow (April 15th) and expect ProSeries to be a few weeks after that.

Level 13

61% of 1040s completed.

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 12

You made my day!  Someone in worse shape than me......  Misery loves company.

Level 11

100% of those with any information in completed

3% waiting for signed 8879 

1-2% will end up extended

2-3% more may show up.

Admittedly the total returns is down 15% or so from my peak years

First camping trip first week in May - I'm spending the summer fishing, camping and a motorcycle trip thrown in somewhere.

Took 44 years to figure out how to manage things to work out this way, and let clients who didn't want to get their stuff in on time to figure out I wasn't the one for them. I run my life not the clients. Old and tired of babysitting clients has it's benefits.

Level 12

You are being banned from this forum. We only want people who are struggling and miserable.

Level 11


Just trying to show you all what the future can hold for you...

Level 11

We mostly do 1040's, a few 1065's and a few 1041's.  Just guessing but I think we have completed about 85%, 5% here that still need completed, 5% partially completed but holding for more info from client and the other 5% will probably be filing extensions.

Level 15

"I run my life not the clients. Old and tired of babysitting clients has it's benefits."

Just because some of us are running behind schedule, please don't assume that it is because of babysitting clients.  For some of my older clients I will tend to have a little more patience, but this is out of respect for them rather than playing babysitter.  I don't babysit - never have - never will.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

Well, I cant figure %s because I dont know how many my total will be for the year, I transfer in as they come in for their appt.

Ive got 480 done, 80 in process, and another 40 on the calendar and Im thinking maybe another 40-50 still hanging out there thinking its cool to be last minute louies!

Im up to my armpits in Trust returns today! 

0 Cheers
Level 11


My wording may have been impresise. I didn't mean to infer that other's were babysitting and that was putting them behind..Just that I got tired of it long ago and have been able to weed those out.

And I also don't include my elderly clients in that group. I take lots of extra time to take care of a number of them, the way I would have wanted someone to help out my Grandmother.

Best to all of you.

Level 15

If I close one eye and squint the other I'm 99% done  - lol

Level 7

@dascpa had a client drive six miles to my office this morning to let me know maryland has released the 502LU-now just waiting for the deluge of clients wanting me to finish without the software update-aargh

Level 15

Good thing that you have clients keeping you updated on changes.  What on earth would you do if you didn't have all of that help.? 😜

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2

You're making me feel better about a trip the last week of the month.  I've been doubting my choice the last few days.  I'm trying to get as many as possible finished before leaving.  I'll catch the last minute ones when I get back if they don't go somewhere else.  Those are the habitual procrastinators anyway.