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Not letting me efile

ShoeBox Taxes
Level 5

The client -- no children -- has about $5k of investment income, a pension of about $4k, and then two partnership, both reporting losses around $10k. So she has AGI of negative $11k, and taxable income of $0.

For some reason, the *%(#$&# software is calculating her for EIC. Obviously, she is not eligible for EIC. I don't know why the #%$*#) software thinks she is. But because it thinks she is, it's saying they can't e-file, because all of her EIC income sources are "undocumented."

I'm trying to remove the EIC, because she doesn't qualify for it anyway, but the only way I can do that is to override the software's answers. And then it won't e-file because it has errors and overrides, and it thinks I'm wrong. 

This is absolutely asinine. I've called support multiple times. First it told me it was an error because the children weren't listed. She doesn't have children. I can't list children she doesn't have. Then they told me to fill out the due diligence form to make those errors go away, which I do, but it doesn't help. I need to take the EIC completely off. God, why are they such morons?!?!?!?!

I've sent a "sanitized" version twice now, and still nothing.

Does anyone know how I can override their idiocy and make the software work the way it's supposed to?

0 Cheers
2 Comments 2
Level 11
Level 11

Answering the q “ was tp home in US more than 1/2 of 2023” no (on info worksheet)  will make EIC go away

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

Bruce for the save, with a 'work around' !!!

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
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