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Michigan PTE Input - Form 4891

Level 3

I'm doing my first S-Corp in Michigan and the procedure for the PTE feels pretty odd. The Intuit instructions for it (https://accountants.intuit.com/support/en-us/help-article/business-tax-credits-deductions/enter-mich...) are not particularly helpful either.

I filled out the form 4891 and allocated 100% of the income to Michigan per the instructions and Line 10b and Line 11 are both filled, but no tax is being generated. In terms of what to do within ProSeries itself, the Intuit instructions stop there.

Nothing calculates on Line 12 and I don't think you're supposed to put anything there. Doing that generates a corporate income tax of 6% rather than the FTE rate of 4.25%.

Does the form just generate no tax due and on the individual return you take the federal taxable income and multiply it by 4.25%? And then the client goes to the MTO website and fills out the Form 5772 themselves?

I feel like I'm misisng something. That process seems incredibly manual.

0 Cheers