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"Dependent of someone"

Level 1

Under Client Info there is a spot for "Dependent of someone"

In completing a new client's return, the system calculates the taxes based on info provided.  WHY does ProSeries ASSUME that the client is a "Dependent of someone else"???????????????

If not checked yes or no, the system ASSUMES the client IS a dependent of someone else. This SUCKS!!! And there is no where to check as a Default - NO.  Only until the accountant checks the "No" box does the system then re-calculate the taxes refunded or owed - always LOWER.  thsi is a NUISANCE!!

Probably 90% of those filing returns are NOT a dependent of someone. So, why does ProSeries ASSUME that one IS a dependent of someone else??

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4 Comments 4
Level 15

That question has potential repercussions with things like some credits, otherwise it shouldn't pop up unless the taxpayer is under 19.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

Those checkboxes need to be checked when a 1095A is involved, Im not sure Ive noticed it popup as a pink error/missing info otherwise.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Thanks.  That is exactly when it happened - a 1095-A was entered.

Level 15
Level 15

The  Form 8962 doesn't compute for the 1095A until those boxes are checked. 

Its a hassle, especially if you forget to check them and dont notice them as being missing, then when they do get checked the bottom line of the return changes!

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