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Latest Info on Alabama Printing

Level 5

I just got off the phone with a representative from Office of the President-Intuit.  He states that no software is currently printing Alabama returns.  We know this is incorrect.

He was very polite and said he appreciated "the problem".  Now for the bottom line.  The problem has been elevated and ProSeries hopes to correct the issue in an update scheduled for 2/17.  This however is not written in stone.  We apparently cannot print even with watermarks before that time.

He did comfort me by saying Alabama is not the only state with a problem.  Three weeks into filing season is totally unacceptable.  I don't see anything we can do other than to switch now to another program, or just wait.  I have promised not to call them again as my blood pressure is bad enough without their corporate (expletive deleted).

0 Cheers
1 Comment 1
Level 15

I thought an update was coming today so that you could get get the marching bands out and have a parade to celebrate the big event.  Hopefully, you didn't pay for the marching bands ahead of time.  Sounds like he didn't appreciate the problem all that much.  Sounds like nobody at Intuit really has a clue as to what tax season really is and how compressed the time frame is.   If they had a heart at all, they would allow you to print with the watermark.  But I think the Grinch's original heart was bigger than Intuit's.  Intuit has swallowed up their competition over the years and has no clue what it is like to have to compete with others to bring a paycheck home.  I feel for you.

Slava Ukraini!