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Is it possible to push client data into the next years software?

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5 Comments 5
Level 15

When 2022 software is released  - yes.

Level 15
Level 15
Each year the client data will be carried from one year to the next year.

If you mean use this years software for entering next years info, NO, you cant transfer it like that.

Level 15

After you acquire and install the 2022 software then it will ask you if you want to transfer over the prior year clients by module. I like to wait a little bit before transferring just in case there are bugs in the system.

Level 15

I would have to say "no".  Since the transfer takes place starting from the new year's software, I would say it is more of a "pull" than a "push".  But the good news is, you don't need to go out and buy yourself a tow strap to get it done😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 1

If you have acquired the 2022 software and installed it, you will be asked if you would like to migrate over the prior year's clients by module. Just in case the system has bugs, I like to wait a little bit before transferring.maxifoot.JPG