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Is auxillary lodging (hotel/motel) deductible?

Level 3

Taxpayer is a W2 employee of electric line construction. The jobs are frequently far away from home and may last for several months at a time. He stays in hotel/motel during those times. Is any of that deductible and if so, now? Also, can mileage be a deductible factor?

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3 Comments 3
Level 15

Same answer as your helicopter - no.  Miscellaneous deductions no longer are available for federal ---------- could be something for your state though.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Also, the same Q & A that you didn't follow up on, for the helicopter pilot:

Are you sure he isn't getting a per diem which covers lodging, meals and incidental expenses? If not, he should be working under An Accountable Plan. Either of these, if abiding to the IRS requirements, would be nontaxable additions to net pay. They might not do it on the paycheck at all, but that's typically the simplest.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 3

Straight W2. No per diem, no special arrangements for either of the taxpayers.  Thank you.