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FORM 1095A

Level 4

Client received a Form 1095A.  No subsidy was received, so Healthcare.gov entered a 0 in the second lowest cost silver plan (SLCSP) as well as the advance premium (subsidy) for each month.  ProSeries gives an error message if you leave SLCSP blank or enter a zero.  If the feds issue a 1095A showing zeroes it must be ok.  How do I get Pro Series to accept the zero, or do I just make up an amount (same as premiums?) so I can file the return?

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Level 15
Level 15

You have to go find the SLCSP and enter it.   I have no idea why they cant provide that, seems like it would be way easier for them than for us!



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8 Comments 8
Level 15
Level 15

You have to go find the SLCSP and enter it.   I have no idea why they cant provide that, seems like it would be way easier for them than for us!


Level 4

Thanks Lisa.  That is what I was afraid of, but I hope the link will help.  I have asked clients in the past, and they were clueless has were the people with Healthcare.gov.  So we get to do the government's work.  Do we get to bill them for our time.  🙂

Level 15

"If the feds issue a 1095A showing zeroes it must be ok."

That's not the case for Col B. It means you have to look it up for yourself. Col C is an Actuals, though.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 3

A client made about 62000, her 1095A, COL A  is 475/month, col B & C are all 0.

I checked online, her co B shuld be392/month. I left COL C 0, then no additional tax or credit on her tax return. 

Is that a correct way to file her tax return?

0 Cheers
Level 15

"her co B shuld be392/month"

That's used for the "affordability" test. You research for this, if it is not provided.

"I left COL C 0"

That's the subsidy received. Well, paid to the coverage provider. You don't change this.

All of this matters.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 2

I used that link, but since I live in NY, as do clients, it sent me to the NY State of Health.  I don't see such a tool there.  I guess I have to call.  Anyone else able to find the Silver Plan in NY?

0 Cheers
Level 2

I just had to look up myself in NY Dept of Health.  I found second lowest Silver plan.  All set.  

0 Cheers
Level 3

0 is preferred outcome on a 8962

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