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False Error on client's Indiana Form IT-40RNR

Level 1

Couple live in MI but husband's W2 in Indiana sourced.  Wife has no IN sourced income but has Ohio locality sourced income. So Box 18 on her Fed W2 screen has the income with OH as the Associated State.  However, on the Indiana Form IT-40RNR screen, Line 1B under the Spouse's Column I'm getting an error claiming spouse has IN sourced income because the Associated State for Box 18 on the Fed W2 screen is IN.  It is NOT. The Associated State is OH.  This is definitely a problem with Proseries software. So I called the customer service and was on the phone with the Agent for over an hour. Unfortunately, at the end of the long call, she couldn't fix the problem.   Just wondering if anyone here can help

Thanks so much!

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