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E-Signature reject x 3

Level 1

I requested an E-Signature on a client. He had a problem and it failed. Voided and resent request. Failed again.  Voided ask to send under mothers email.  (Also a client)

Sent via mothers email - and failed again.  Error says "Not able to find your name on the public data base"

How do I get this resolved?

Also, how do I not be charged for the voided transaction on this client

0 Cheers
6 Comments 6
Level 4

You can go to My Account in the billing section and request a refund.


0 Cheers
Level 1

Thank you for explaining how to get a refund. 

But my big problem is I do not know how to get this client to sign his 8879s.  

It says he is not in the data base. 

Thank you


0 Cheers
Level 9

I faced this problem when the clients were not able to put the address correctly in Docusign. Do not forget to void them.

0 Cheers
Level 1

I, too, am having problems with my client's being able to authenticate thru the KBA system.  They are getting stuck on "what's your address?" and they fail authentication. I have voided and resent more than 3 times and after that, I have to go with physically signing.  One client is a realtor who used DocuSign a lot.  I am wondering if they changed the level of security but this just started yesterday with my entities which are due today.   What a pain!

0 Cheers
Level 2

I am having the same issue. Has anyone contacted Lacerte support about this?

0 Cheers
Level 4

I've had the same problem with  multiple clients and it's very frustrating. Once the authentication fails, then it does no good to void and resend. After that no matter how many times the clients retry, it fails. Seems like there is a snafu somewhere that needs to be addressed. If it's another level of security, then we should be made aware of what it is so we can inform out clients. 

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