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Domestic Partners and HSAs

Level 4

Hi --

My client lives in California, where she has Registered Domestic Partner status. For her federal return, we're filing SINGLE, of course. (There are no dependents.)

Her company provides benefits to domestic partners, so they contributed $5,100 to her HSA. The limit for a Single person in 2020 was $3,550. So ProSeries is calculating a penalty for over-contribution. 

I found at least one tax website that said DPs can contribute the family amount to their HSA if they're on a family health plan. (They are.) But how to communicate that to ProSeries?  They see her as Single, and she has contributed too much for a Single.

(Note: HSA contributions are not tax-deductible for California state tax in any case, so there's no advantage to having a DP on your HSA for that purpose.)


0 Cheers

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