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Client letters

Level 1

Are there other client letters available?  I don't like the standard client letter.

IF not is there training available to know how to change the existing one?

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Level 11

All you need to do is edit the standard letter so it reads the way you want it to.

Tools > Letters > Manage Standard Letter>

then select edit. By printing a letter before you get to here you can figure out what the codes are doing.

Level 15

I keep half a dozen client letters in a folder in my word processing program, and use the one I need depending on whether there is a refund or balance due on the 1040 or state return.  Occasionally I have to do an edit if there is more than one state, or a credit elect.  I also change the date manually, because I don't know word processing well enough to use a template for that.  This puts it on my letterhead (which is used for all communications); if I wanted color, I could do that.  I also print the letters on a different printer, with different paper, from tax forms.  Maybe I put too much time and effort into this, but I like the way it looks.  

0 Cheers
Level 10
Level 10

I have perfected mine over the years.  My first step is to copy my prior year's Standard Letter to the first blank line over the current 'Standard letter"   I do that for all modules (1040,1065, 1120.etc).  the codes almost 100% of the time are same year to year. I leave 'both' letters as the Standard Letter, for a few returns to make sure the carryover is right, Then, I just deleted the lines with the ProSeries current year standard letter info, and bingo, my perfected letter is the Standard Letter.  I have some things in BOLD, some with paragraphs outlined, some with paragraphs shaded, some in Italics, etc.  I'm able to print a page with just dates and amounts for estimates that we staple the 1040ES/s to for our clients The standard letter has every option on it, but the first thing we do when starting each client's letter, is create a client specific letter by saving the standard as such. Then we can copy some specific paragraphs etc. from Word and insert.  delete blank lines, add blank lines, etc. so that we don't have half a paragraph on one page and the rest on a separate page. Our first step in Review is to review the CSL. I can't tell you how many times the CSL has saved my butt.


I'd be happy to share.  I guarantee, you would love it.

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Level 7

I basically do the same, works great.i