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My billing is all double spaced and using way to much paper. How do i fix this? Alice

Level 1

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Level 15

Sorry, you can't fix it.  It is a 'bug' that they know about.  Whether or not they eventually fix it is another question.

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17 Comments 17
Level 1
double spacing
Level 15

Sorry, you can't fix it.  It is a 'bug' that they know about.  Whether or not they eventually fix it is another question.

Level 8

asked and answered many times.  search for similar Q

Level 1
2018 ProSeries Professional double spaces the client bill. the answer this had been asked many times doesn't tell me how to correct the issue?
Level 15
Because the only fix will be an update that hasn't happened yet.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
"...the answer this had been asked many times doesn't tell me how to correct the issue?"
But it does tell you to go do a search, so that us volunteers don't have to answer the same question a bazillion times.
HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

Slip one of the programmers $100,000 and they might sneak in a fix, otherwise you are stuck waiting.  Since this is cosmetic, I think it is put on the bottom of their list.  They tend to put heart and lung transplants on the top of the list and plastic surgery is left for last.  If the look is too ungodly to use, consider using another method to prepare bills, whether that means using an accounting software, Excel or just a word processing software.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 9
Level 9
I agree.  But my billing just states IRS and State totals, no line by line or form by form billing.  I found it takes 5% of my time figuring out how much to bill for each form or item.  So I went with the add $5 or 5% each year billing method.  Nobody knows what they are billed for that way and i have no complaints.
Level 15
Yeah, I don't bill by form either.  One total is what they get.  Nobody really cares that their schedule B costs them $1.25 more than their schedule A or vise versa.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13
Level 13
I've considered going to a forms based invoice, I used to early in my career, but I do as you do and give an overall price. I may still go to forms billing down the road.....
Level 15
I bill by the form just because I'm too lazy to keep track of my time.   :smile:

So I let the program come up with a price, then I'll add or subtract to compensate for the PITA factor.
Level 15
"then I'll add or subtract to compensate for the PITA factor"

Client or Intuit PITA factor? :smirk:

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
I already add the Intuit PITA factor into the price of the form.  :smile::smile:
Level 8
@TaxGuyBill You know there is a PS timer function to track your time in each Return
Level 15
And I've always wondered why the big brother Lacerte doesn't ?!?!?
HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15
@Marc.TaxMan   Yes, but then I would need to remember to turn that on and off, which doesn't happen.
Level 15
But Intuit then sends that time in to the IRS with the e-filed return :smiley::smiley:

Slava Ukraini!