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Stupid $99 User Fee aka extortion blackmail

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Stupid $99 User Fee aka extortion blackmail



about the new fee.  If you want to charge me for "tax planning" and "tax advisor" because I desire those applications, cool - I get it.  I get it only as long as my current functionality (purchased when I buy the license) continues as before.  Apparently, someone (who needs to find a new job) in the corner office has decided that outright extortion is acceptable behavior within your company!!

If I don't want to buy "candy crush" I should not be forced to lose my ability to print and efile as I have done for many years.  I really hope all the users get together and quash this.  I am seriously considering migrating my practice because of this!!!  Sam

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Level 3

Sam, I understand. Too many suppliers are turning to minimum fees and subscription revenues. It seems to be a take-it-or-leave-it attitude with them. Car washes - some not even automatic in the true sense - are demanding monthly subscriptions for your use of them. This is in a rural setting, too. Some of my local utility providers have inserted additional fees if you pay your bill in any way other than automatic payment, which is initiated on their end. We end up getting less service or less quality than before, and it costs more - if you can even track your costs. The only way for me to keep control of my expenses is to abandon participation or to find and exploit a loophole. Even budget plans are based on usage and adjusted at term. I am done.

Level 2

Rox, I am not sure that I understand your answer.  PTO IS a subscription based program as we pay based on the credits used.  It's not an unlimited return program like Lacerte, UT, etc.  This is on a similar realm to the pizza shops that now charge a "technology" fee to pay via credit card.  If there isn't sufficient profit already built in to the cost, there are better ways to achieve this without pissing off the customers.

So, adding a "master" user license fee to file returns is NOT an acceptable function. 

Level 3

I agree, I had to pay it JUST so that I could have my admin work in Link.  It's like a product warrant where by algorithm they come up with the most likely thing to break and then exclude it from being covered.

Level 2

Too bad most of us appear indifferent.  Either they already make enough profit to absorb the additional cost or they shrugged and raised the tax return preparation fee.  It’s that simple.  

Returning Member

Very bad! 

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