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Entering Notice 2014-7 Waiver income in 1120-S

Level 3

Company is S-Corp Homecare qualifying for Notice 2014-7 tax free waiver income due to shareholder taking care of homecare patients in the home that she lives in.  Is it correct to enter the waiver income, then deduct the waiver income as a Notice 2014-7 expense?  Therefore, all other expenses such as wages, supplies, would not be deducted since the waiver income is tax free.

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8 Comments 8
Level 15
Level 3

Yes similar situation.  I would think the Notice 2014-7 applies to an S-Corp, but I haven't seen on irs.gov saying that it does or doesn't apply.  IRS gives an example that it applies to a Schedule C. If it applies to an S-Corp I don't think operating expenses could be deducted, as the intent of the Waiver income is to cover all expenses.  

0 Cheers
Level 15

Have you actually read the Notice?

The header says:

"This notice provides that certain payments received by an individual care provider under a state Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver (Medicaid waiver) program, described in this notice, are difficulty of care payments excludable under § 131 of the Internal Revenue Code."

An S Corp is not an individual care provider.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

"I would think the Notice 2014-7 applies to an S-Corp"

The S Corp can't live in your home and take care of you.

However, an employee of the S Corp can live in your home and take care of you. They might also be taking care of another person outside the home, so they have some wages that would apply and some wages that do not apply.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 3

So that would mean the owner's wages would be tax free=$0.  Since the W2 has already been filed as taxable income, it would have to be amended.

0 Cheers
Level 15

I missed this detail:

"due to shareholder taking care of homecare patients in the home that she lives in"

Locally there will be a regulation which covers when this is a Group Home condition, as opposed to "in my home" condition. It might be at 4 patients, for instance. If this is not considered "in my private home" but a group home situation, then the corporation is running a business and it is all regular taxable wages.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 3

The Shareholder of the S-Corp is required to have an AK Assisted Living Home license, comply with employee training requirements.  It's definitely a business.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Then it likely falls under Business, not the Difficulty of Care exception. Facts and circumstances always matter.

Examples of Difficulty of Care (2014-7): you are being paid under a case plan overseen by a local agency, for your own child or relative who lives with you, or you live with them. Or, you take in/stay with a blind parent with a special needs child, and that falls below the threshold for Group Home, and you work with the placement agency and the care plan to meet their needs.

Examples that are not Difficulty of Care: You live in with a disabled person who is paying you as a household employee, from an ABLE account, an insurance account, whatever. You might do all the same tasks as above, but you are not controlled by a care plan from an agency and you are not paid from a public program. You take the disabled person to the store, events, etc, and also occasionally pick up his/her friend for going to the park.

Also not Difficulty of Care: You and another person trade shifts staying with a disabled person. You might do all the same tasks as above. You might be paid by a public agency. You might have a plan to follow from that agency. But you don't live in.

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