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Quick Employer Forms

Level 1

When I try to print W2 forms in Quick Employer forms, it is only showing a worksheet format of the W2, and not a pdf version of the W2  you would see on the IRS website.  Is this acceptable filing with the IRS?  The ProSeries technician I spoke with assured me it was. 

I am new to Quick Employer forms for 2024 because my prior W2 and 1099 software company owner retired and shut down his business.  What Quick Employer Forms is printing does not look like a normal W2 form at all.  

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Level 15

The form doesn't have to be identical to the IRS form, but without seeing what you are seeing I can't say that the form is good to go or if there is an issue with the software.  Can you black out the employer and employee information on one of your W-2s and post a scanned copy of the form here?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 1

IMG_0003.jpgHere is what is printing in the Quick Employer Forms so far.  The tech person I spoke with said the software says it is acceptable by the IRS, although they seemed to indicate the program may not be ready to be used yet, so I will wait till after January 1 to see if an update chang

0 Cheers
Level 15

It’s not the prettiest W-2 you will ever see but it works.  The actual information submitted to the Social Security Administration is done electronically so what you see isn’t an exact copy of what gets transmitted.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 1

My question is if one of the recipients of this W2 files a paper tax return and does not efile, will the W2 as presented by this software be acceptable to the IRS and the state since a copy of it has to be attached to a paper filed return.

0 Cheers
Level 15

If you start comparing client W-2s you will see that they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.  Every company seems to use their own format.  So as long as the box numbers and descriptions are correct, there would be no reason for the IRS to not accept the W-2.

Slava Ukraini!