I had a filing rejected for a client with a message that Form 8962 must be included. Client is a 24 year old, single, non-dependent friend of the family who ini... read more
I have a new client and little information apart from the 2023 return. I am filing an extension and trying to figure out how to check box CT-3-M (MTA surcharge)... read more
I have a customer who sold property on installment. He and his partner purchased the property, and HE paid for all expenses to remodel. They lived in the home a... read more
An individual opened a custodial (UGMA) for a grandchild. Are the parents responsible for paying the taxes or can the gran parents enter the interest and divide... read more
ProConnect is generating codes in 1120-S K-1 Box 17 Code AC and AJ.It appears to be related to 448c for business income limitations, which I am far below.Can th... read more
I have an initial QSST trust return to file for 2024. The trust's only activity is the S corp K-1 which will be reported directly to the beneficiary. How do I g... read more
Client cover letter shows as "unavailable with this release" which makes no sense. It isn't a tax form and I have filed a bunch of tax returns already this seas... read more
My client is selecting to pay their balance due electronically. If I do not specify a payment date, will the program default to immediate deduction of the balan... read more
I am using single factor apportionment for a VA LLC. It's a retail company. I have selected retail company from the general information drop down on the VA appo... read more