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Wisconsin Schedule U on the annualized basis MUST BE ATTACHED

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Wisconsin Schedule U on the annualized basis MUST BE ATTACHED


Lacerte does not include the Wisconsin Schedule U with the transmission of the Form 4 C Corporation income tax return so I have to attach it as a pdf. When calling Lacerte, the excuse I received is that the Form U instructions say not to include it when there is no underpayment. However, that is NOT in the instructions that I can see and in talking with the WDOR, it is definitely not part of the instructions, so Lacerte's programming is NOT complying with the instructions that state clearly on line 32 of the Form 4 to check the box saying that Form U was used for the underpayment calculations (which in this case resulted in 0) and then it should be transmitted with the electronic file BUT LACERTE DOESN'T DO THAT!

This inability of Lacerte to follow the Form 4 instructions to note when Schedule U is used and to transmit it as part of the file is a costly inconvenience in terms of the time to call the WDOR and get them to re-process the return with the attached pdf. Why can't Lacerte follow the instructions published right on the Form 4, line 32???????


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