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Community Ideas
284 VotesSubmitted by: MidTn02-09-20217 comments
Have an option to set up a new tax return from the dependent screen. All the necessary information to create a new return is there except assigning a client number.
Status: Under review -
148 VotesSubmitted by: SusanA02-19-20218 comments
Please allow Partnership clients to be converted to S-corporations. Thank you.
Status: Open for voting -
102 VotesSubmitted by: fredtcpa03-25-20215 comments
Comparison report does not produce one for the state (in this case California). Suggest a comparison report for the state.
Status: Open for voting -
82 VotesSubmitted by: Illni03-11-20211 comments
Why not make our job easier by coding the "Final Distribution Box" into the same category as "delete next year" for 1099-R Pension pro-formas?
Status: Open for voting -
76 VotesSubmitted by: NLCPAS02-09-202116 comments
Prepare and e-file a “Superseded Original Tax Return”.
Status: Open for voting