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Wash sale adjustment DOWNLOAD

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Wash sale adjustment DOWNLOAD


Why is there no option to enter wash sale adjustments when downloading Schedule D from  an excel sheet? I am forced to drop those amounts into the "expense of sale" column and move them over manually.

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enter summary totals from the 1099.

Level 2

We don't shortcut.

Level 15

It's a shortcut permitted by IRS.

Level 2

We do not shortcut. That is reserved for hack practitioners who only seek to collect fees and provide no care or concern for the client's welfare. What if years down the road information is needed about one particular trade, i.e. the same security is sold but basis history is needed? Hunt down the 1099? I don't think so. We do not shortcut.


"hack" You are completely wrong and I strongly disagree.  @MMMMMMMM 

The 1099 has the basis and proper saving of it does not require any to "hunt" it down.

Early in my career, which started last century, I spent hours inputting individual stock sales. And I now consider it a blessed joy to not be required to do that.  I knew then that my clients rarely cared to see that information. 

But now, with the time saved I can provide thoughtful, practical, and useful tax advice to clients. And, I assure you, none of them consider me a "hack".  I suggest that you think again about what constitutes true and genuine "care and concern" for clients.



Oh, one other thing....NO votes. 


Level 15

So now I'm a hack.


wash sales SJR!! Don't let wash sales bite you or your clients in the a**!

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