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Tax Planner Option for business returns (S-Corp, Partnership, C-Corp, etc.)

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Tax Planner Option for business returns (S-Corp, Partnership, C-Corp, etc.)


Good morning, 

I was wanting to see how the Lacerte users could gain access to the Tax Planner module for business tax returns like is available in the individual return module for 1040's.  I have spoke with support and they advised that this option is only available for 1040's.  

There are many cases in which a business owner of a partnership or S-Corporation will request a scenario tax effect for selling their business or assets of the business.  This calculation would have to be done within that business tax return module (i.e. partnership for the 1065 tax return) and then the resulting effect transferred via the K-1 to the partners personal 1040 via one total.  The calculation of this effect can be daunting if had to be accomplished manually outside of the partnership tax return itself as an example.  

Please let me know when the Tax Planner will be available for business returns as this would be most helpful to the Lacerte users and our tax clients. 


Spencer Cathey

Status: New
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