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PDF Version of Organizer

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PDF Version of Organizer


My clients are requesting FILLABLE organizers.  Can you make this happen so we can stop with the paper organizers?   The e-organizer is not something most of my clients can work with so a fillable PDF would be great. 

Thank you for your feedback and votes. 
We understand this is an opportunity not only for Lacerte but for many accountants using Intuit products. This idea continues to be Under Review as the team is researching options for a holistic approach on this topic. 

Please continue to share your feedback as we develop and scope next steps for bringing this enhancement to life. 

Status: Under review
Vote now if this is a good idea
Level 3


I purchased your fillable forms and I would be interested in your idea about bridging data into Lacerte.

I think it could be useful for transferring information to tax forms like schedules C or schedule E. 

For items where a government form was issued to a taxpayer (W-2, 1099, etc) we enter the information directly from those forms.


Level 4

"Using the government form info" is the most common feedback that I've seen, including on the "LTUG<at>groups.io" discussion group which replaced the original on Yahoo!Groups.

Again, this is fairly straightforward--pages 10, 11, 12, 13, 20.X, 14.1 for SSA...  what else?--to set up certain pages to either skip always, ask the user for "all in this client", or ask the user "one at a time"...
  ...and then "everything else" like page 17/22 adds & sells, entries on 16/18/19 C/E/F, page30/employee expenses, 33/child care, 38/foreign, and so on, everything just flows through.

Since the client's original info in the Organizer would still be there in the Organizer for the Preparer's reference, I don't see any real loss by NOT setting up lines of data to carry over.

Robert Kirk

Level 2

I know this is only a work around, but it works.

I print the organizer to PDF.  then open the PDF and use my PDF software to convert the document to a fillable forms document.  (I use Kofax Power PDF Advanced 4.0 - search it on Amazon).  The document is saved to our portal, and the client retrieves it from there.

No, it doesn't import into Lacerte, but it is a fillable PDF, and I can READ what the client writes.

Can Intuit build this into their software?  Yes.  Will they? Most likely NOT!  (Unless they can figure out how to make it subscription based and charge you an exorbitant annual fee.)


Thank you so much for sharing, SmartCPA.  I will be sure to look up Kofax Power PDF Advanced 4.0 on Amazon.

New Member

I totally agree; a PDF fillable copy would be ideal.

Bob Saunders
Level 3


Level 1

agreed, why hasn't this been done yet?

Level 4

David & I are working on the TY2023 version of our utility.  The updated forms appear to be ready to go, even though the menu option (to actually PRINT them) is not yet enabled.
  If none of the pages change between now and when printing goes live, then we will be ready with a quick turnaround.

Robert Kirk

Level 1

Yes, please on the fillable organizers!  Even my most tech savvy clients struggle with the e-organizer

Pacific CPA
Level 1

Intuit link is good for those clients that have a degree in computer science.  It does however brand Intuit all over your client correspondence.  As they are actively marketing Turbo Tax live tax services to clients, this branding is conflict of interest and they surely know it.   The software is decades old but it would be VERY easy for them to at least generate a report showing all documents from the prior year used for returns.  While not a full organizer, it would be very helpful for existing clients.  For new clients, there are many options for fillable organizers both electronic and pdf, just not from Intuit.

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