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The MO-PTE forms needs to be available as soon as possible.  Missouri has had the form available since the beginning of January.  We have several returns that we can not complete until this form is available for S corporations and partnerships.  

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Just called Lacerte (5:30 p.m central on 3-22-23).  According to them, the form is final and available.  She asked me three times if my software was up-to-date.  Ummmmm, yes, yes and again yes.  Her response was "well that is weird".  Does anyone at Lacerte know what is going on?!?!?!?  She came back on saying that the form has been released but it could take 10 days for that to actually flow through to the program.  I asked when the 10 days was up.  She stated they do NOT have a timeline for that to actually flow through to the software.  But "by the end of the month" was her statement.  I did verify she meant the end of March and not the end of April  LOL.  I won't hold my breath.

Level 1

Just received the latest update and PTE is there!!! Unfortunately it's still more manual than I would have hoped.

Level 1



Returning Member

I'm still not showing it in Proseries as of this morning and ran my updates, any tips?

Level 3

This MO-PTE form is available now in Lacerte. However, my MO-1120S letter and my MO-PTE letter are both showing the balance due with payment instructions. I'm thinking the payment should be submitted with the MO-PTE, since that's the whole purpose of filing that form. However, does anyone know how that works with MO-1NR and MO-2NR? The MO-1120S letter is saying to submit the payment with the MO-1NR and MO-2NR. The PTE form instructions say to submit return and payment to the address that's listed on the PTE letter in Lacerte. So confusing. 

Level 1

They still don't have it all worked out!  Turns out the S-Corp MO-PTE refund amount SOMEHOW gets thrown onto Fed Form 1125-A Other Costs as a line item that overrides the amount entered, AND IT DOESN'T MATH OUT!!!!

Level 1

Just updated ProSeries and the MO-PTE is not there.  I promised delivery of a law firm's K-1s tomorrow.  I will have to do to this one by hand. This will take several hours.  Darn! 

Level 3

Is ANYONE using the MO-PTE Lacerte has finalized?   Anyone else feel like it is useless or almost useless?

Level 1

Apil 5th, at 5:40 CDT.  Just updated the ProSeries MO Partnership return software and the MO-PTE is not there.  I have done several by hand for larger clients.  If anyone has any updates, I would appreciate any and all comments.  Feeling like I am afloat without a rudder here and the waterfall (deadline) is close approaching.  

FYI, if anyone is doing the MO-PTE by hand, you will need to calculate Form 8995, which is net business income with an addition for the state income tax addback.  

All The Best. 

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