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List of all Sticky Notes on a file

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List of all Sticky Notes on a file


A sticky note is a great way for internal users to make notes within the software for review by other internal users, but it is difficult to know they are there unless you are on that specific screen in that specific section.  Unlike client notes that will remain in the file and will proforma, sticky notes are not listed anywhere for easy identification.  

It would be really nice to have a means by which we can see all of the notes on a particular client.  Perhaps in much the same way the MISSING DATA flags are used, having a singular place/means to locate sticky notes would be nice.

training benefits, easy communication on items that do not require proforma since they relate only to the current year return information, etc.



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Level 3

I think the sticky note is great, but it is also a bit hard to see at times.  Placement is everything.  Maybe making it a funky color to stand out would be good?  OR...maybe an indicator on the dashboard of the client there could be an indicator that there is a note in that screen...much like when there is an error in the screen there is a red COME FIX ME indidator.  Just tossing out ideas here.  Easy of use is EVERYTHING during the tax season.  These seemingly little things make a WORLD of difference.

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