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Lacerte 2021 scrolling

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Lacerte 2021 scrolling


In Lacerte 2020 and earlier, I can use my mouse to scroll down in each screen.  In Lacerte 2021, I can't do that - I have to grab the scroll bar to scroll down.  Please fix.

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Level 15

In the future please post as a PRODUCT HELP, rather than a TAX IDEA EXCHANGE. You appear to be experiencing something specific to your systems. Here is a link to discussion about this from the past.



Level 2

I tried the Almanac instructions for Lacerte 2011 from that conversation, and the instructions are no longer relevant for 2021 - different file paths.  So I am still stuck.

Level 15

Have you tried a reboot? That is always the first thing to try.

My guess is there was a windows update somewhere in this mix. Try the Microsoft article to update your mouse driver https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/update-drivers-in-windows-ec62f46c-ff14-c91d-eead-d7126d...

Try the new Lacerte Tool Hub https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/help-articles/help/fix-common-problems-and-errors-with-the-l...

When all else fails, call support. They should be able to help figure out the problem.

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