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IRS and California granted extension to file and pay for California residents until May15, 2023

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IRS and California granted extension to file and pay for California residents until May15, 2023


Lacerte has no way to override or force the payment due date for balances due until the May15, 2023 actual due date.  I have called customer support for 3 weeks now and they still have not done anything about it.  You are able to put the May 15th due date in the penalty screen and it shows that the payment will be deducted by IRS on May 15, 2023.  There is no way to override the date for California.  This is also a problem for clients that want to to pay their estimated tax payments on May 15th instead of April 18th.  Clients have access to the internet and know about the delayed payment dates but we cannot do that on our own.  So we have to look incompetent to our clients.  I have called Lacerte for 3 weeks now asking them to fix the problem with no help or response from them.    







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Level 11

I am not familiar with California but if I were in you shoes here is what I would  try. Just dont email the tax return untill a few days before May 15th. If there is money owed dont have them take it out of the bank but have your clients pay the tax with a payment voucher. If the voucher says due date of April 15th just acratch out the date and enter May 15th.

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