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Foreign address for Donee on gift return

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Foreign address for Donee on gift return


Need place for Foreign Address on Gift return for Donee.  It only allows a US address and we need to file before due date for Gift Return. We need this function asap. Need by 4/15/23. Email me when completed.

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Level 15

Good luck pushing this through.

A practical way up to deal with this is to (1) use the City field to enter both the city and foreign postal code and (2) use the Zip Code field for ISO 2-letter country code.

Here's an example:

  • Street Address: 123 Main Street
  • City: London ABC1 9DE
  • Zip Code: GB


On Schedule A, column B, this is how it will be printed:

123 Main Street
London ABC1 9DE, GB

I wouldn't worry about the diagnostic since the return will be filed on paper anyway.

Level 15

"Email me when completed." 



No one is going to email you, even if they do "fix" this.

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