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Export list of clients needing to make 6/15 CA PTE estimated payment

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Export list of clients needing to make 6/15 CA PTE estimated payment


Would like to see the ability to export a list o clients to Excel that would show the amount due for the CA PTE estimated tax payment. This allows us to facilitate payment or follow up with client to make sure 6/15 estimated PTE payment is made.

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Level 4

It could also allow us to determine who didn't make one last year, but might want to pay the $1,000 to reserve the option for 2022.

Level 4

If that is a field that you can add to your Client List screen (Ctrl+O[ptions] | Display tab | select from left side/add to right side, in order of your choice) then you can.
  If you cannot do that, then the only choice you have is to dig into the digital client data with an ODBC connection, if you know which fields on which pages generate those.

Another option is to print an information page that has the information, and then deal with those.  For example, printing the "General Information" sheet(s) for every client as PDFs, the combining all of the PDFs--one for every client, after all--into a single Great Big PDF File, and then word-searching for whatever makes TX amounts unique.

Robert Kirk

Level 4

There isn't a Client List screen field. There aren't many fields for states, even CA.

No idea how to use the ODBC connection, nor do I have time to learn.

Yes, selecting all of my clients and choosing a page in the return to print to pdf works. But there are a lot of clients and this is tedious and time consuming.

This is a real problem because if the client does not make the 6/15 payment to CA they do not get to take advantage of this tax benefit for the year. It can't be decided later. If they don't pay enough, they can't do it later either.

If you added one or two of the relevant fields to the client list screen it would reasonably solve this problem (in my opinion).

Level 4

If it cannot be added to the Client List, then it is not something that Lacerte tracks/records.

My suggestion would be to print the General Info (usually just a page or two, so fairly quick) as PDFs into a standalone directory (like "X:\FindCA0615\", and then a searching software to find the key string that you are looking for (if it shows as "PTE", search for that).
  I use "Super Finder XT", freemium-ware (free to use, more options if you donate).

That will find you the documents--which are named by client #--that contain what you're looking for.  I believe Super Finder XT's "export to list" is only available if you pay.

But even if you just keep two windows open, <this one> tells you which client to contact and <that one, either Lacerte or CRM> gives you the contact info to do so.


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