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Engagement Letter

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Engagement Letter

Diana O

I would like to make the engagement letter a little more pretty than the template available in Intuit Link.

While editing and pasting what I wanted my engagement letter to look like, I was unable to change any fonts, paragraph spacing, lines etc. It was a dismal excercise. Looked very unprofessional 😞

On a similar matter, I called ProConnect customer support about where to find the engagement letter templates and the rep gave me completely un-followable instructions: I landed up finding the templates on my own while he was on the phone :(- in Intuit Link 

See below: This "tool' link is nowhere to be found, plus he sent me info about the "client letter" template which is very different than the "engagement letter" 😞 😞

  1. Open the client file.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Letters and choose Edit Client Letter.
  3. Pick the Standard Client Letter or Custom Client Letter.
    • Changes to the Standard letter apply to all clients for that type of return. Changes to the Custom letter apply to one client.
  4. Scroll to the very end of the letter to the last code [@OGMPrepName].
  5. Click right after the ] and press the Enter key twice.
  6. From the Insert menu, select Page Break.
  7. Move the cursor on the line below the dotted gray line running across the bottom of the letter.
  8. On the right, click on the Org (paragraph icon) tab at the bottom of the code list.
  9. Double-click the code that says Engagement Letter.
  10. To view the client letter before printing or saving, click on the Print Preview button on the letter toolbar.
  11. From the File menu, select Exit Letter.

My first experience with customer support was a 0/10


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