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Using F3 to select a Group, selection criteria are Other, Schedule Ep2 is yes. Why doesn't highlighted group include all clients who have an active Schedule Ep2.

Level 2

At least 4 clients last name Anderson have active Schedule E page 2 but are not highlighted when Client Group Selection is set to Field Name: Schedule E p2; Compare: is; Value: Yes. Makes me unable to trust the handy F3 Group Selection at all.

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1 Best Answer

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Level 15

Hmmm! I tried this and it gave me a client that does NOT have Sch E, pg 2. I then made a filter (for the left column) that display E, pg 2 just by clicking on it. I get the same list as I did with F3. I have a small practice now, so don't have a big database to test, but I agree with your assessment. 

Out of curiosity, are the missing clients locked? My one that showed up, but did not have a E pg 2 went away when I unlocked and did a form view. 

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View solution in original post

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16 Comments 16
Level 15

Hmmm! I tried this and it gave me a client that does NOT have Sch E, pg 2. I then made a filter (for the left column) that display E, pg 2 just by clicking on it. I get the same list as I did with F3. I have a small practice now, so don't have a big database to test, but I agree with your assessment. 

Out of curiosity, are the missing clients locked? My one that showed up, but did not have a E pg 2 went away when I unlocked and did a form view. 

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Level 2
The missing clients are locked as are the selected clients - we lock each return after it is filed. That doesn't appear to be the answer. Still doesn't work as expected.
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Level 15
@IntuitAlicia - Could you look into this?

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Level 2
@IntuitAlicia I tried this on my files. Still the same issue. Not choosing nearly all of  the clients. I should have 50+ chosen and it is only "grouping" 5. Tried locking and unlocking and updating the database - all to no success. I also had about 100 out of 500 clients that didn't transfer in the proforma process -- possibly the same error?
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This is a different issue in relation to proforma.  I'm double checking, but i'm fairly certain this has been reported as unexpected behavior in the program and our development team is reviewing.  @JasonAtIntuit or @johnboyle5 can you confirm?
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It seems to relate to when the program records the "forms in use" into the database that is used by the Group Select and Filters. This usually happens when you view forms, print, e-file, or update client database, but it seems that the calculation that happens during locking doesn't always trigger it. Unlocking and doing an update client database should correct that information, just verify that the form is in bold on the forms tab. Development is looking into something relating to locking returns and it may be related.
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This can happen when your client files haven't been completely calculated. 

To force them all to update, highlight all the clients using F3 and using the Client drop-down menu, select Update Client Database.  

Once completed, you can run your filters, etc. and these should update to show the client files you're expecting.  

If you continue to have trouble, please repost what you're experiencing and we can go from there.

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Level 15
@IntuitAlicia - That would require that clients be unlocked before performing. It seems locking clients often creates problems, is there any advise on how to reduce this problem?

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Level 2
@IntuitAlicia I tried unlocking a small group of clients to see if the F3 group worked and it did not. That unfortunately is not the solution (and in the past it has worked with the clients locked.)
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Hey guys, i'm trying to get one of our systems subject matter experts in to provide more information.  The original post here is similar but different than the issue you're running into in relation to proforma.  
I'll see if I can get more information for you.
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Level 2
I had both issues. The unlock worked for the proforma transfer (but it was still a pain to have to look at everyone that didn't transfer and unlock them). I still don't see a solution for the F3 group select.
The proforma/transfer needs to be corrected for all those clients of yours who have still not transferred their data.... the more clients, the more difficult the challenge of unlocking individual clients.
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Hi @IntuitAlicia I answered in the other part of this post, but if unlocking and then doing a "Update Client Database" is not fixing the group select, it's possible that the issue is the database itself and a database repair may be in order. Also just as a sanity check, make sure the form you're looking to filter by is actually showing in bold on the forms tab for those clients. I've found the "forms in use" part of the database can be out-of-sync with a locked client if data is changed in a client and then locked before it's reprocessed.
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Level 2

I am trying to do the same. Have tried unlocking a group of clients, opening clients, updating database. Nothing is working. I should have 50 clients with Schedule F and I get 3  that aren't even in the test group and one that doesn't even have Schedule F.... 

I use the F3 to send out emails and updates. This is not working correctly. Did anyone ever get it to work properly and if so how?

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Level 1

I have been trying to isolate Schedule E clients but Lacerte is not getting some I know for sure have a Sch E.  I called tech support and they gave me the unlock/client database update solution.  However, it still does not work correctly.  All I have now is several hundred unlocked returns.

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User FIDO 61
Level 8

@George4Tacks please explain like I am 5 years old (mentally) because today for some reason seems I am. "...just by clicking" to create a Filter?

Group Select in Lacerte 2021 has messed the bed. Not even recognizing Preparer - "no clients meet that criteria." Um, yeah huh - there's only two choices, and it's one or the other, not none.

I am new to Filter so be gentle. This is all I have found in search for a possible workaround to the apparently now nonfunctional Group Select.

♫ So if you ask me and I don't tell you
Bet your sweet bottom dollar I lied ♪
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