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Why do I have to ask a question twice before I can ask it here???

Level 3

Why do I have to ask a question twice before I can ask it here???

First I ask it in the 'Live Community' tab in Lacerte, which just takes me to browser.

I then Lacerte opens a browser, and I have to type my question again. 

But when I post my question in the browser, it merely opens THIS page, and I am required to type my question again!!!

Does anybody at Lacerte know how stupid this makes them look???


0 Cheers

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5 Comments 5
Level 15
Level 15

Its not Lacerte, its the way the forum works...if you type nothing in the first search bar and hit enter, then you only have to type the question once.


Level 15

You are right. It is Lacerte and I assume a few of those employees that care realize how stupid it makes the company look. They came up with this wonderful new forum that does not meld as well with the program as the old process did but, they accomplished their prime directive. SAVE MONEY.

They also abandoned the old KnowledgeBase that supported the F1 help screens in program and are playing whack a mole trying to fix all the broken links that created, but they accomplished their prime directive. SAVE MONEY.

Unfortunately Lisa has no idea how Lacerte functions, so her answer is not complete.

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 15
I had not used the in product question feature in quite some time. I was able to ask my question and get it posted without having to type it twice. I was required at the end to insure I used at least 3 words. It did NOT prosent a 2nd field for me to add clarification. I therefore ended up with this informative post.
Randall-K is still correct. The process SUCKS

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 15
Level 15

sorry...its the same when you access the forum and enter your question in the box at the top....you have to retype the question again to  post it...so Ive found that if I just place my cursor in the search box and hit enter, then I only have to type the question once.

0 Cheers
Level 15

PTO also has a feature to post questions directly from within the app.  This works quite seamlessly from what I can tell, likely because both PTO and the Community are web-based, but I believe the utilization is very low as most users are probably not even aware of this functionality.

Still an AllStar