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Rating you a 1.. Dearest Tech Support

Dear Tech Support,

I apologize for the low rating.  It isn't your fault.  I gave a rating of 1 based on Intuit's failure to correct the California filing deadlines. This is a "message" to LC only. It doesn't reflect the fact that you helped solve my problem.

When appropriate and earned, I have written with praise and commendation in the written answer response boxes. I hope you read those comments.  I will continue to do so. You deserve support from California preparers.  You deserve chocolate every Monday from your supervisor!

It is management that is at fault for a 1 rating. (They could be happy that I didn't rate them a 0!)

I look forward to my next call. You have a difficult job and I appreciate you.





3 Comments 3
Level 1

Support recently closed a case of mine that was never resolved. I notice they didn't send me a survey, so I could express my dissatisfaction with their handling of the case. Never got one! I empathize with your frustration. The only reason I have time to comment is because Lacerte is not working for me right now. Can't send e-signatures. There is an obvious problem, but I don't have interest is calling support over it. I'll move on to some other work, as I'm sure they're working hard to fix the problem. 🙄

Level 15

You folks must have called the wrong support department.  The other posts directly referring to their dealing with support this year all provided rave reviews.  Or maybe you just weren't paid enough to give those stellar reviews 😜

Slava Ukraini!

I am not unhappy with support. But I am giving 1 to the question "Based on this interaction, how much does Lacerte care about me as a customer".  I am trying to get LC to recognize my dissatisfaction while also rating support as they deserve, which is typically high in my experience.  It is indirect but maybe LC will take notice.