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Lacerte marketing pop ups

Level 3

Very frustrated dealing with the pop up ads all season long.  But just last week or so they have started popping up every time I change a client status to Final.  It happens every single time, and it locks up my system for about 45 seconds each time with no way to override or turn it off.  I do not want the ads, and I sure as hell do not want them shoved down my throat especially late at night finally finishing up then having to sit completely stranded waiting for Lacerte to respond!!  If I can get commercial free streaming, with what I pay Lacerte they too should be commercial free!!!

2 Comments 2

Very frustrated dealing with the pop up ads all season long


I don't get those ads.  Could you post a snip of one?  

I used hosted currently and I don't get them.  I didn't get those when I had the LC desktop version. 

0 Cheers
Level 3
cannot seem to do a print screen, but simple copy and paste of the text from their popup (message board is not allowing html to be posted):
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not that it is offensive, but it locks up the system for about 45 seconds each and every time!  Only started about two weeks ago.
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