It appears Lacerte is not going to have this form available so it has to be attached via pdf. The partnership module has a place to enter code 661 and the dolla... read more
Asking for some helpClient is MD manufacturerMD permits federal 179 without MD decoupleI can't seem to find a way for lacerte MD depreciation to allow full 179O... read more
Taxpayer is 76 and has earned income. She contributed $7,500 to a traditional IRA in 2023, which was nondeductible for CA purposes and her $7,500 CA basis carri... read more
Efile won't work because it says there is a more current version. However, when I hit tools to do the update I get a message that says error....try again later.
I prepare nine trust returns and would like to import interest, dividends, and security transactions from UBS. It sounds as if the "Tax scan and import" feature... read more
I would like to file a gift tax return for my client giving his sister half the value of the house before selling it. On the gift tax return his share of the va... read more
Completing a 2024 tax return and under Schedule A - taxes - state income taxes, the line that says paid with 2023 state return is already prepopulated with an a... read more
If a taxpayer has a 1098-T and box 5 is larger or equal to box 1 do you just not enter anything into Lacerte? If the taxpayer did not pay anything out of pocket... read more
When I enter the description of property under Donated Property Information, it only prints one line on the form. There is plenty of space to "wrap" the descrip... read more