I am trying to file client returns who had a disaster relief distribution in 2024. However, I cannot get the form to populate and when I try to fill out the For... read more
Final Trust return with excess deductions upon termination from Fiduciary fees, legal fees, and tax prep fee deductions.The CA K-1 is adjusting out the excess d... read more
Do not see the CT CHET 529 account number field which is generating a critical e-file diagnostic. Should be Screen 51 as in prior years. Does not appear to have... read more
My client has a 1095-C reflecting Employer Health Insurance was offered and met the Minimum Requirements and Affordability tests coverage for herself for the en... read more
when my 2024 Lacerte opens - Lacerte has an advertisement for their hosting services and it locks my computer screen - closing with task manager is only option ... read more
Taxpayer and Spouse are both in mid-50s. Husband has lots of W2 income, spouse has no earned income. No retirement plans at work.Both contributed Max to their I... read more
https://accountants.intuit.com/support/en-us/help-article/alerts-notifications/using-product-form-help-lacerte/L8rvufCkY_US_en_US?uid=m6vh9aleWe would like to u... read more