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usage of net operating loss (NOL) carryforward or capital loss carryfoward

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usage of net operating loss (NOL) carryforward or capital loss carryfoward


Taxpayers (clients) typically don't track their carryforwards.  So they don't know to plan on using them.  If we can show that we are suggesting how to recognize income in the year but not have to pay tax, they would be thrilled.

The software already does it.  It just needs to show that we actually thought about it.  Right now, there is no recognition of a strategy of savings

Thanks for the idea to recognize the strategy when tracking nol carryovers or capitol loss carryovers in the software. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it is no longer considered "New".

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Status: Open for Voting
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Status changed to: Open for Voting

Thanks for the idea to recognize the strategy when tracking nol carryovers or capitol loss carryovers in the software. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it is no longer considered "New".

Continue to vote and comment on enhancements by going to the Idea Exchange Home page and select "Status": Open for voting, "Sort by": Most Popular. >> Tax Advisor Idea Exchange

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Idea Exchange Getting Started Guide for more information.

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