Level 1

Import.jpgValidate Error.jpg




Anyone have a solution for this error message?

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

If the return has all the things that error message says, Id just skip the import and enter manually.

Intuit Alumni

It looks like that dialog can be misleading in a couple of cases... It is also checking for a preparer name and that the file is not locked.

There's also some edge case error checking going on that could pop that as well.



0 Cheers
Level 1

I screened shared with Intuit Agent Vanessa and she was unable to assist. She claims it is a known issue by their engineers.  I told her if Intuit can't fix it within a week I will request a refund on the product. 

0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

Did you confirm preparer name is set and the file is not locked?

0 Cheers
Level 1

Preparer name is filled and I don't understand your comment on the file being locked. I can enter information in any of the numerous worksheets and schedules and save the file so I assume this means the file is not locked. How would one find out if the file is locked?  

0 Cheers
Level 15

Good luck with that refund.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Intuit Alumni

If you can enter those fields and save it's not locked.

As an experiment, can you create a new 1040 client and enter the following:

  • SSN with nine digits
  • Zip Code, Last Name, FirstName 
  • E-mail address

Then Choose Import - > Financial Institution Download -> Request 1099 and W2 Data from client...

Do you get the same error code or the FIDO request wizard?

0 Cheers
Level 1

Validate Error.jpgI setup a sample taxpayer as suggested and I still get this same error. What is a FIDO?

0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

FIDO is our slang for Financial Institution Download.

What do you see if you choose Help -> Options Setup Wizard, and you select the Preparer like below? There's no fields marked in red? There's a preparer name, preparer code & firm association?



0 Cheers
Level 1

Intuit finally released a software update and although it made 2 steps forward it made one step backwards. I was finally able to access the 1099-B for TdAmeritrade, Robinhood, Tastyworks. First problem Proseries directs you to enter the url of the financial institution which is wrong. does not work but tastyworks does work. Next when you enter in the required document/ssn/account the connection between Intuit and the financial institution is not working. I receive error message that no tax data is available. If you are a Intuit employee please review Case:560254141. No Data.jpg

 I was informed that thousands of users are unable to use this feature while Intuit takes their sweet time repairing basic import functions that should have been tested and working before 1/1/2021. Today is 2/27/2021 and unbelievable that they charge hundreds of dollars for non-working tax software.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Were you ever able to import the 1099B information? I'm having the exact same issue. 

0 Cheers
Level 1

As of 3/1/2021 the broker import is not working for TdAmeritrade, Robinhood, Tastyworks.

0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

To recap and augment, if you are getting that specific "validate error".. In addition to what it says, check

  • TaxPayer email is specified and correct (with no hidden characters, which could happen if you cut and paste from somewhere)
  • Preparer Name is Specified
  • Preparer Code is entered (and Self-Prepared / Non-Paid Preparer is not checked)
0 Cheers
Level 1

It was not anything I had entered as Intuit updated the program and I no longer getting the Validate Error, but alas the Financial Institution 1099 import is still not working for brokerages. See my latest update of 3/1/2021.


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