Level 2

I transferred the address for my client and it was fine last night.  Now an error message is showing saying both foreign and domestic components in the address.  Anyone else having this error?

Level 2

Yes, I had the same experience with the W-2G winner's address that says the address contains "both foreign and domestic components in the address" when I filled the box to transfer the taxpayer's address from the federal information worksheet.

Level 2

Yes, I am having the same exact issue.

Last night when I entered everything it was fine, no errors.  Now today I am getting the foreign and domestic address are both present error message.  Super annoying!

Level 2

The way I got around the error was to put the info in "Payer 2" and left "Payer 1" blank. No errors when I did this.  

View solution in original post

Level 2

Thank you!! I'll try that!!

0 Cheers
Level 1

Genius!  Thanks

0 Cheers
Level 1

That's not working for me.  When I remove the Payer 1 winner name, it automatically repopulates.  And when I remove all elements of the Payer 1 winner address, it has an error on the first line of the US address.  Am I missing something?

0 Cheers
Level 2

me either

0 Cheers
michelle s
Level 1

Not working for me either.  I'll have to call support this weekend.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Thank you so much. This drove me crazy.

0 Cheers
Level 2

I don't know why it's not working for you.  I guess I will consider myself lucky that it took care of the issue for me and now I don't have to deal with "support."

I don't know if I did anything different than you have tried but I did completely remove the W2-G, then added it again and entered the info in "Payer 2."  

I hope you get a better solution from support.

0 Cheers
Level 1

I am amazed you were able to discover this! I never would have thought to try it! Thanks!!

0 Cheers
Level 2

It was pure luck trust me.  I was going crazy trying to figure out what had changed from the night before when I had no errors!  I checked boxes, unchecked them, deleted things, re-added them.....I did all but the hokey pokey!

Level 2


0 Cheers
Level 3

It just worked for me. Puzzling that it was fine the other day when I entered the W-2G, but I just went to check & print, then the error popped up. "Payor 2" fixed it for me though. Good luck to the others who still have problems. I don't recall this happening before.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Payer 2 worked for me

0 Cheers
Level 1

Did anyone who had to call support get an answer on this? I have tried putting the info on the Winner 2 and this doesn't work for me. 

0 Cheers
Level 1

Thank you for your help.  I had the same error message in a client file this morning.  That resolved the issue to move everything to Payer 2.

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11


Gabi,   This is broken for BOTH Basic & PRO.  Something broker w/ the last round of updates... please advise....

With a W2G the winner name is TP or SP....  Winners name gets transferred from the Fed info w/sheet but is  showing as error.... This has always worked Perfectly (at least for the last 20 years or so.... 

The work around does NOT work for Pro..  and shouldn't be necessary..    If it is a global issue the phones are going to be ringing off the hooK..

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Community Manager
Community Manager

This error is being investigated and will pass forward any new details needed. Alternative: E-file by disabling e-file error checking if that is the only error. See here for more info.
If you've been affected by this, see Investigating: 2023 IND W-2G Error for Both Foreign and US address from News and Updates and the new page  ProSeries Hot Topics.
Thanks @Skylane

Level 1

Disabling error checking worked. Thank you.

0 Cheers
Level 2

That worked for me.  I did not use the Payer 1 column.   Left it blank

0 Cheers
Level 1

Using Payer 2 worked for me and I use Proseries.

So frustrating . . I hope they fix this soon.  Annoyed!!!

0 Cheers
Level 4

Thanks for the solution, That worked for me too

0 Cheers
Level 1

Had the same issue. Your fix worked for me. 

Thank you. 

0 Cheers
Level 1

For those struggling to get Player 2 to work -- you have to enter it in the upper portion in the Player 2 _column_, and Player 1 column must be completely blank.  I had to delete the W2G, save and close the return, then add a new form to get it to work. 

That said -- there are enough people experiencing this problem (with a costly piece of software) that Intuit should get it fixed, rather than rely on users to find a work-around (much less turning OFF error-checking).

Level 1

Another error for no reason in the middle of tax season - keep it up, Intuit!

Another reason to switch to the non-competing software suites for pros instead of the TurboTax software.

I just entered the address as a foreign address and removed the US address.

0 Cheers
Level 1


0 Cheers
Level 2

that may let us enter the information but it does not fix the problem, Intuit should fix this issue ASAP

Level 11
Level 11

if this is the worst problem we encounter it is a banner year

0 Cheers
Level 3

Same issue!  So frustrating that we are having to figure out work arounds.  FIX IT INTUIT!

Putting the info in Payer 2 worked for me. Hope it works for others until it is fixed.

Thanks to whoever figured this out!

0 Cheers
Level 15

It is fixed.  A moderator posted this morning that it has been fixed.  So once you get that update you should be good to go.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

if this is the biggest hurdle we face we have it made in the sun.. i like using column 2.. gives it some much needed use. 

0 Cheers