Lacerte 2024, Shared File path to server (users have "Full Control" on the folder) with Lacerte installed on each workstation. 

Users cannot Check for Updates, receive error: "The current user, __, is not within the administrators group. Only users with administrator equivalent may check and install updates for Lacerte programs. 

We have tried giving the user Local Admin to both the workstation and server - same error

So far, only Domain Admin has been able to Check for Updates

We need users to be able to Check for Updates (requested by the business), without being Domain Admin. 
Please help ! 
Thank you 

Level 1

We are having the same issue.  Can not update workstations. 



Level 4

This is unacceptable and needs to be fixed, although I bet they can't. They never mentioned these changes to who can update the program.

0 Cheers

Lacerte has an investigation for the Auto Background Updater being broken.

Investigation: INV-117194 Lacerte reported that multiple other Customers are experiencing the issue, primarily on network/terminal environments.

While reviewing with a tech, we checked %temp% and located "BuLog.txt" file which contains the log information for the Background Updater.

I have sent this as requested to:, with Subject line: INV-117194 BuLogs

Level 1
  1. have been a user of Lacerte software since 1988. I used to be able to call Larry Lacerte with my office's concerns.
  2. The first rule of security for PC desktops is -- DO NOT LOGIN AS ADMINISTRATOR. The UAC system works and is well tested.
  3. Your decision to make updates automatic, while well intentioned, does not work. It requires the user to login as an administrator to check the update status or to update the desktop client after updates have been downloaded
  4. After logging in as Administrator on one of my network workstations, I attempted to disable the automatic updates. That procedure, while it did check the box,  did not work. The next time I logged in as Administrator on the same workstation the choice was back to Automatic updates enabled.

I recognize that this is a work in process but your decision to make all your users BETA testers makes me, and your user base, very angry. Especially those that work in network environments. The system may work for single user customers.   

I also recognize that my message will not reach the appropriate level in your organization.  That makes me, and your user base, angry.

In other words, your company credibility is trashed.

BTW I’m really P****d



Level 2

On January 3, 2025, Intuit did "something" and all my Firm information was deleted. It send me a message about "Connected Services" (whatever that is) to an email address I had 5 years ago. I had to resend all the required paperwork proving I was the owner of this account, and finally they reinstated it (even thought they could see all the paperwork I submitted in 2019). I have since had nothing but trouble inviting people to LINK, it says I do not have admin access (even though I am listed as Master Admin, but my Admin has access). It's January 27, and my clients are chomping at the bit for their Organizers. 

I also have been using Lacerte for over 20 years and I have never seen a rollout like this in my life.

I know Intuit want to get rid of the small business owner, but is this really how to plan to do it?

I am so disappointed and Frustrated.




Level 4

Someone from Lacerte needs to contact Linda, right away. I am having issues but nothing like Linda. Sorry Linda, that is totally unacceptable! 

0 Cheers
Level 2

Thank you Roz2, it is just unbelievable.....



0 Cheers
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @ThisIsMyUsername @roz2 Thank you for the details you provided as we research this topic. 

@goaway123 We are reviewing your case and thank you for your patience. 

0 Cheers
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello. We found there was a hiccup with users that were non-admins in windows and it was resolved in last weeks update. Run WebSetUp to get a clean install of the most recent version of Lacerte.

See what's trending in Hot topics for Lacerte 

0 Cheers
Level 2

Interesting term "hiccup". It was a full blown volcano in my case. Finally after 3 weeks of trying to get my firm setup in Lacerte and retrieving my prior data, Lacerte has now REPed all my Out of State tax return With NO permission form me. I have requested a refund as I have not submitted these states for REP. 

2024 Tax season will go down as the worst rollout of Lacerte for me in 20 years.


0 Cheers
Level 2

I just tried to re download Lacerte and I got the following Error: " Unable to write data to file, You must have Administrator rights to install this program"

I guess we still have a "hiccup"



0 Cheers
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @goaway123 I understand how frustrating it can be when your system is not working as intended and I appreciate your feedback. I want to confirm, when you re-installed, did you use Lacerte Tool Hub and Run Websetup from the tool hub? Thanks.  

0 Cheers
Level 2




Level 2

I am available at 2.00pm CA time.


0 Cheers