having an issue dependent has died in 2024, received a 1099r code 4 no check in ira box tried to correct name and social security number to reflect dependents i... read more
Does anyone have any insight as to why Form 3800 that was released by the IRS on December 17, 2024 will not be available in Lacerte until February 27, 2025?At 9... read more
I am preparing PA-40 for a taxpayer and spouse (MFJ) that separately earned dividends as well as a couple of joint accounts. I have entered which interest and d... read more
We are having issues locking clients for the year. We have one user who is able to lock and unlock clients and the rest of us say that the user (the person tryi... read more
Folks:I am an attorney who prepares a small number of returns for clients, for trusts that I administer, for gift taxes, and so on. I spend a great deal of mone... read more
I had a filing rejected for a client with a message that Form 8962 must be included. Client is a 24 year old, single, non-dependent friend of the family who ini... read more
hello all,I have to prepare a form 502 MD MFJ return. new for 2024 TY, the husband lives full time and makes all wages from another state the entire year while ... read more
Specifically, I wanted to include form8962 (Premium Tax Credit) in the PDF. This will answer theconcern whether the preparer has considered the 1095-A or it has... read more
I have a client who is a business operating as a sole proprietor and filing Sch C to file their business income. The client is planning on buying a used EV and ... read more
A client has an S-Corp Missouri return and has to file the E-234 form. The form is available in the individual program and will not activate the E-234 form when... read more
I've seen a few new clients this year who have a 1099 Misc or NEC of a fairly minimal amount and no expenses. Their previous tax guy reported the income directl... read more