From a Tax Court decision today – taxpayer is from Georgia. Since 1995 petitioner has been working as a freelance writer, writing movie reviews. In 2019 petitio... read more
Billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk posted Monday on his social media site that he had “deleted” 18F, a government agency that worked on technology projects such a... read more
Do we enter the 1099-G for the Parental Choice Tax Credit from OTC on screen 14.2? I entered it there but it is being treated as if it were a state income tax r... read more
I'm getting a strange error trying to file a 2023 return with interest and penalties. I have selected Electronic Funds withdrawal but it won't let me include th... read more
Anyone else get ripped off by Lacerte. After the 2023 filing season ended I purchased 300 esignatures which I assumed would be good for 2024 tax filings nothing... read more
SCorp Shareholders have a set salary with a portion withheld for 401(k) elective deferrals that reduce Box 1 wages but added in to Box 5. They also have SCorp m... read more
I have a client - couple filed MFJ in 2023. Husband was listed as taxpayer. For 2024 the wife decides to file a MFS return through Turbo Tax. She has already re... read more
I am quite pissed about the new way Intuit has found to further enrich itself from customers from the new $100 advanced users fee. The cost of each return was h... read more
A Corporation is required to pay the shareholder that owns 69% of the corporation a fair rate of $8,500 per month for rental of a business building. The corpora... read more
Hi, Everyone. I have a client who received a W2 and wants to add his vehicle as a write-off for use during the job. He wants to write off examples, mileage main... read more
Preparing a return for client and Proconnet is not calculating the social security taxable correctly. Off by 30K plus. Worksheet does not even appear with the r... read more
I posted this query in Diagnostics, and someone suggested I post here as well.The issue is that, after the recent update, Lacerte program is no longer auto calc... read more