I have a client that received ERC for 2020 but never amended their 1120-S. They also have available 179 expense after adding back wages for the ERC. I think I c... read more
Pros—if you have a clear and well-supported answer, please share. If not, I’d appreciate refraining from unhelpful or judgmental commentary.The taxpayer and spo... read more
The taxpayer and spouse are the grantors and co-trustees of a Revocable Trust. The Trust wholly owns an LLC, which operates an Amazon FBA business. The taxpayer... read more
New client for me.in 2023, 22K W-2, one child, single. EIC and child credits resulted in a refund of 7K. Tax prep was $850 + $39 refund transfer fee.While his p... read more
Good Morning Community,I have a question about filing a decedents estate tax return 1041. The beneficiaries are two ladies who are half sisters and had the same... read more
My parents passed away last year and as a result, my brothers/sister and I inherited some rental properties for the last 5 months of 2024. I know I need to repo... read more
Hello,In 2024, I received two W-2 forms:W-2 #1 from a Virginia employer (Box 15 shows VA as the state).W-2 #2 from a Washington state employer (Box 15 is empty)... read more
If a SMLLC is a parent company to two other SMLLC companies, how would I go about filing a tax return without causing triple taxation. What forms do I file?
Anyone else get ripped off by Lacerte. After the 2023 filing season ended I purchased 300 esignatures which I assumed would be good for 2024 tax filings nothing... read more