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Will AI make Intuit PS24 a better product?

Level 8

So, Intuit is laying off a bunch of people.  See this link:

Tech giant cuts 599 workers in California amid massive layoff round (kcra.com)

Per Intuit CEO Sasan Goodarzi Intuit is laying off 1,800 employees, which is 10% of it's staff.  After significantly raising the bar on employee performance, approximately 1,050 employees are leaving the company due to not meeting expectations.  Laid-off employees will leave the company on September 9. 

Intuit plans to hire around 1,800 new workers after the layoffs are complete. The Intuit plan is to position itself to take advantage of this AI revolution.  Intuit has proclaimed that Wednesday July 17, 2024 is to be "Day 1".  There is to be a company Q & A meeting on July 16, 2024.

OK ProSeries tax software users, where does this transition leave us?  

5 Comments 5
Level 15

Instead of talking to a stupid person when you call support you will be talking to a stupid computer.  Other than that, the professional tax software will continue to be a second thought while they continue to put all of their effort into Turrrdddotax and Quackbooks.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

If we do call customer support and we get AI computers, I wonder if they will have names like Elizabeth, Abigail, Bartholomew, Alexander, Etc. Just wondering.

Level 15

Fewer employees and/or experienced employees being replaced with brand-new employees aren't going to make the 2024 software better.  It will be worse.  The 2025 software will likely be worse too.

Intuit presumably wants AI for TurdoTax and Quickbooks, with the goal of increasing the cost and drawing in more customers.  *IF* they are successful in doing that, their goal will make taxpayers THINK they don't need professionals to do their tax returns or bookkeeping.  Taxpayers will think that Intuit will take care of everything.

There is no way this is helping tax professionals for the short-term and mid-term; more likely it will harm some tax businesses.  The long-term could possibly increase our business after taxpayers find out that the AI computer screwed up their tax returns.

Level 15

AI will never replace human interaction because AI is incapable of thinking. It only comes to solutions based on what was programmed into it. But there are always unique situations and combination of situations. In the long run like you said people may find out the hard way.

Level 15

PAM = perfect answering machine

The largest problem is how the AI train using existing Q&A. For instance, the QB help and support articles and helpdesk scripts and the community responses have so many bad answers, it's going to prove the "trickle down" theory: Sh*t rolls downhill.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.