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I refinanced my home and used the equity in home for personal reasons. There is no 1099. I received a check. Is this taxable.

Level 3
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4 Comments 4
Level 15


Well it isn't really but since you didn't like the "no" answer the previous two times you asked, I thought a "yes" would put an end to the question.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

There is no 1099 because going more into debt is not tax reportable. It isn't taxable income to you. It's more Debt you will need to pay. That's liability; not income. It is cash flow. Don't get all of that confused.

But the borrowing on the home (if not for a qualified purpose) means understanding the mortgage interest write off rules. Since you are supposed to be doing taxes for your client, and not getting personal tax advice, you will want to learn what applies. Start here:


And there is never a reason to ask the same group of people the same question more than once. That's no way to treat peer users.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 3

Thank you.  

0 Cheers
Level 9

The tax law on equity loans applies to whether or not you can take the interest paid. Home equity is not income.

0 Cheers