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Anyone Else Using the New York Oral 8879?

Level 15

This is from a recent Tax Court opinion involving a taxpayer who omitted $169,425 of 1099-MISC income from her 2015 return. She failed to respond to the CP-2000 but when IRS sent a notice of deficiency to assess the tax along with a $12,500 negligence penalty, she tried to claim reliance on her preparer, a CPA on Long Island.   It didn’t work.

“In early January 2016 Ms. Walton began to work on her 2015 tax return. To assist her in this effort Ms. Walton turned to Douglas Milo, a certified public accountant (C.P.A.) who had prepared her tax returns for approximately 20 years. Mr. Milo has over 30 years of experience as a C.P.A., and his firm prepares approximately 1,000 tax returns per year.

“The practice of Mr. Milo's firm was, after preparation of the return but before the due date, to mail the return and an efiling authorization form, together with a self-addressed envelope, to the client. Mr. Milo's firm would request oral authorization for efiling from certain longstanding clients, with the understanding that the client would send the written authorization later. Mr. Milo obtained such oral authorization from Ms. Walton for the filing of her return, and his firm thereafter efiled it.”


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5 Comments 5
Level 15

" firm would request oral authorization for efiling from certain longstanding clients, with the understanding that the client would send the written authorization later"

I have occasionally done this with good, honest clients on a deadline day. CAGMC.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

Lock me up too - I've done the same as Susan.  

As a side note, I wasn't sure if some new spammers had hit this place.  Based on the heading, I wasn't sure if the post was going to be about electric toothbrushes or more of a sexual nature. 

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

"Based on the heading, I wasn't sure if the post was going to be about electric toothbrushes or more of a sexual nature. "   LOL.... I thought about the same thing when I saw it.


Level 11

I've done the same thing as Susan and Jeff.

Level 15

Me, three.  But only for some very special clients that have been with me for decades.

HumanKind... Be Both