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Quick Employer Forms: Filters for 1099's & W-2's / delete old unused clients & uncheck e-file boxes so you only have to check the one you want to send.

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Quick Employer Forms: Filters for 1099's & W-2's / delete old unused clients & uncheck e-file boxes so you only have to check the one you want to send.


We have several clients that are no longer using our services for Quick Employer Forms (1099's & @ W-2's) and I would like to delete the unused companies. I would like to have a filter to put all clients in alphabetical order.  And I would like to see the list for E-Filing unchecked so you would only check the one you want to submit.

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Level 11
Level 11

You betcha… this used to be very cheesy software…. They made improvements recently so it’s only cheesy… there may be a suggestion box somewhere but i wouldn’t hold my breath…. It works and is reasonably inexpensive… 

you may try right clicking on clients and see if there’s a delete function or (doubtfully) a setup or preferences that allow you sort or other options…

to be fair, it’s useable and i can figure it out, so I’m not complaining 

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