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New feature request for proseries: 8938 info export to 114

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New feature request for proseries: 8938 info export to 114

baby yoda

Some of my clients are holding some foreign bank accounts which need to report both 8938 and 114 forms. All the information is almost the same, like the bank name, account number, address, city, country, post code. It's very time consuming and waste of time to double input these records in Proseries. Can the development team make it possible to export 8938 to 114 form? This will greatly improve the customer experience and help to save time. Time is money. Thank you.

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Yes. Highly suggest the technical team to create the ability to export form 8938 information to form 114. It will save some much time and reduce human input error. 

Thank you. 

Level 15

Hopefully they will get right on that after they finish up on the 5227.

Level 7

It's a nice thought but fraught with problems for the unsuspecting (i.e., to report on one and not on the other, different type of characterizations for each account/asset, etc.).

I think anything other than a simple bank account would be messy......but I certainly hear you on the efficiency part.  The input forms for both the 114 and the 8938 could use a rework/update.

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