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Ned to remove the 8453 from the EF Signature Selection

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Ned to remove the 8453 from the EF Signature Selection


When I create a PDF of the EF Signature Forms pages to send to my client, I can't remove the From 8453 from the PDF. The client is not signing the Form 8453, so why is it included in that bundled PDF along with the Form 8879 and state EF forms? It's a hassle to go and uncheck the box on the Sched D worksheet and then print the EF Signature Form page(s). The program should allow me to exclude the Form 8453 from the bundled EF Signature selection. 

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Level 15
Level 15

@Ephesians3-14  Just curious, why do you have an 8453. I haven't used one in years

Level 15
Level 15

I havent seen the 8453 in forever either.

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