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IP PIN Required - Please alert me

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IP PIN Required - Please alert me


It would be helpful if a client has an IP PIN one year (taxpayer, spouse or dependents) if ProSeries would require that field to be completed in future years. Make a blank IP PIN field an Error if the prior year had one.

Once the IRS determines that an IP PIN is required, or once a taxpayer has requested they have an IP PIN, that number is REQUIRED each year before filing can be completed.

The IP PIN changes each year so it can't be carried forward. Clients don't understand the importance of IP PINs and frequently don't bother bringing it in or they are misplaced. If I don't remember they had one, I don't remember to ask for it. Then the return rejects at e-filing and I have to start the process of making the client track the number down.


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1 Comment
Level 3

It will be great.

As of now you can add a note to the field and next year it will give you an error if missing.

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