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DC D-20 combined forms 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B

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DC D-20 combined forms 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B


We have a C-Corp with a presence in DC.  They have a dozen or so stores that are individually incorporated or are LLCs.  DC requires them to file as a single entity rather than a bunch of individual DC D-20s or D-30s.

To do this, DC requires us to fill out a Schedule 1A summary, and a corresponding 1B for each entity, as well as a 2A summary and a corresponding 2B for each entity.  

I confirmed with your help desk that you do not currently have this option.  The manual preparation of these forms is insanely onerous, and requires a huge amount of manual work to get them prepared and reviewed each year.

The woman on the help line suggested I post an idea for future forms additions here.  Thank you.


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Level 15

Did the lady also tell you that Intuit won't think about any of these suggestions until they have something like 50 cheers?  This category was created to make people feel good and give them false hope.  It's kinda like having cancer and being told that rubbing a rabbit's foot three times a day is going to help with your health issues.

Level 1

Why am I suddenly put in mind of Dickens' A Christmas Carol and the quote where Cratchet is freezing?  "Wherefore the clerk put on his white comforter, and tried to warm himself at the candle; in which effort, not being a man of a strong imagination, he failed."

Level 15

Well, in the spirit of that tale, this is the best I can do to help -------- 🕯

I will also give you a cheer ------------------------ only 49 more to go.

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